We would like to, but this is a complex problem and we will describe it in more detail. At our farm, every animal must feel safe. Visiting animals cannot pose a threat to our other pets (e.g. hens) and wildlife (e.g. amphibians). Cats must remain in the apartment at all times, or walk on a leash. Dogs can walk freely only if they are friendly towards other animals, guests and hosts. Dogs cannot be left alone in the apartments. In addition, our dog Tosia with age less and less tolerates the presence of other dogs and this year there were several ‘quarrels’ with the dogs of our guests. Taking all this into account, it is best to visit us without our own dogs, although we do not want to forbid it completely. Please clean up after your pupils. We charge an additional fee of PLN 20 for one dog / cat / rabbit per day (yes, rabbits visit us: o).